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Top 5 time wasters at work and how to improve them

By Victoria Dyke on Mon 20 October 2014 in CRM

On average 60% of an employee’s time at work is spent on non-profit making activities. These activities are usually made up of time consuming admin that you can probably lessen by making a few simple changes. Read on to see my top 5 time saving changes you could make today.

10 Keyboard shortcuts that will change your life

By Fiona Ness on Mon 20 October 2014 in Topical

If you’re anything like me you probably spend the majority of your time in front of a computer, be that at home or at work. If you also consider yourself to be a busy person, then this article is definitely for you.

5 signs you have an excel problem

By Victoria Dyke on Mon 06 October 2014 in CRM

I’ll be the first to admit I have a love hate relationship with excel spreadsheets. My experience with most businesses is that their data and customer information are often stored across multiple spreadsheets, filing cabinets and ERP systems – which all have their limitations when it comes to managing data. 

Why B2B online selling is a natural extension of your business model

By Victoria Dyke on Thu 02 October 2014 in Web & eCommerce

B2B selling is very different to B2C. Which is why I am so often surprised at companies trying to make B2C online selling ideas work for their B2B customers.


John Lewis staff helped increase online orders by 40%

By Victoria Dyke on Mon 01 September 2014 in Topical

John Lewis have just announced a 31.4% year on year increase in online orders, the success of which has been largely put down to their in-store digital terminals.

4 things you’d never expect to buy online

By Fiona Ness on Thu 28 August 2014 in Web & eCommerce

Selling online is so common that you would expect everyone to be doing it, whether it’s personal selling on eBay or running business sales online.

3 ways to identify which of your products will sell online

By Victoria Dyke on Thu 28 August 2014 in Web & eCommerce

It is currently reported that 93% of B2B customers conduct their research on the internet and 88% of which would actually prefer to buy online.

4 types of data every sales rep should have access to

By Victoria Dyke on Mon 18 August 2014 in CRM

24% of small businesses admit they do not have enough customer information to hand during a sale.

8 pieces of information you should be able to find (in 60 seconds or less)

By Fiona Ness on Mon 18 August 2014 in CRM

24% of businesses admit that their sales teams do not have the right information to hand during a sale. Not only can this make you seem unprofessional but it’s frustrating for both you and your customers.

Why are you still re-keying orders?

By Victoria Dyke on Mon 04 August 2014 in CRM

Shockingly 1 in 5 SMEs will admit forgetting to invoice for goods and services – and the majority will put this down to the amount of admin involved when processing an order.

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