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The websites consumers love (and the ones they don’t)

By Francesca Firth on Thu 24 April 2014 in Web & eCommerce

An online retailer’s success can be measured in a number of ways. If you look at volume of sales for example then you would see the likes of Argos,, Tesco and of course Amazon UK stealing the top spot of the Brits most popular online retailer.

Improve your business efficiency in 6 simple steps

By Victoria Dyke on Thu 10 April 2014 in CRM

We meet loads of different SMEs, in loads of different industries. Unsurprisingly, the more SMEs we meet, the clearer the similarities in business operations become.

The UK’s manufacturing industry grows by 3.8%

By Fiona Ness on Thu 10 April 2014 in Topical

It was announced this week that the UK’s manufacturing industry has seen a growth of 3.8% since February last year. This is the fastest growth of the industry in over two and half years.

4 steps to make more time for your small business

By Francesca Firth on Wed 09 April 2014 in CRM

Small businesses are great! Our years of experience working with SMEs in a wide variety of industries has taught us that the biggest problem SMEs face is, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. 

SEO Part 4: Thinking outside your site

By Francesca Firth on Mon 03 March 2014 in Web & eCommerce

The last in our series of SEO best practice articles... 

SEO Part 3: Getting the foundations right and developing your architecture

By Francesca Firth on Mon 03 March 2014 in Web & eCommerce

SEO can be broken down into 2 main categories, on and off site...

SEO Part 2: Content is King

By Francesca Firth on Mon 03 March 2014 in Web & eCommerce

Once your site is built for SEO it is important to get the content right. Website content should be updated on a regular basis. If Google’s spiders see that your information has been left to go stale they will not visit as often causing your position in the rankings to slide. But what content do you need to put on your site?

SEO Part 1: The very basics

By Francesca Firth on Mon 03 March 2014 in Web & eCommerce

SEO is huge. Whole agencies are now created dedicated to the marketing discipline of SEO, but for small businesses who don’t have the resources to employ a dedicated SEO guru or to outsource to an agency SEO best practice can be a complete minefield.

Ways to waterproof your business

By Francesca Firth on Mon 17 February 2014 in CRM

Us Brits like to think of ourselves as weather hardy but our recent bout of wind, rain and storms have left us in a state of crisis. 


eMail Marketing vs Social Media: Who wins in B2B?

By Francesca Firth on Mon 17 February 2014 in Email Marketing

Social Media has been on the horizon for years now and its potential as a marketing tool has led to huge shifts in the way that businesses communicate with their customers. 

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