By Olivia Smith on Thu 20 April 2023
It can be difficult to know where to start when selecting the right CRM onboarding package that fits within your budget. While it is an additional cost, user onboarding is a pivotal factor in getting value from your CRM quickly. So, we’ve put together the ultimate pricing guide that’ll help you choose an onboarding package that suits your needs.
By Chloe Baybutt on Thu 31 March 2022
Wholesale & Distribution
Whilst onboarding often comes at a price, the long-term RIO to be gained from a quality onboarding experience is undeniable. Have a read of just 3 reasons why onboarding is great for effective software adoption...
By Olivia Mascarenhas on Wed 16 February 2022
Wholesale & Distribution
So what makes a stand-out Onboarding package that is really worth your time and money? Whether onboarding is included or additional, mandatory or optional, we’ve highlighted the top 4 signs of a worth-it onboarding package.
By Jessica Heald on Tue 13 July 2021
Wholesale & Distribution
Customer onboarding is largely associated with software businesses…but if you sell products business-to-business, a successful onboarding programme – turning one-time purchasers into loyal, long-term advocates – is crucial for your growth too.